Turkey Tracks: Ball-band Dishcloth

Turkey Tracks:  January 9, 2011

Ball-Band Dishcloth

I finished the Ball-Band Dishcloths I talked about some time ago as an unfinished project.  I have no idea why they are called “ball band” discloths.  Maybe it’s the pattern…

I used red and green Peaches & Cream cotton for potential Christmas use–though they are looking very pretty on top of my yarn pile at the moment.  I got the pattern from Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne’s MASON-DIXON QUILTING.  But, as they note, the pattern is on the inside of the label of many of the P&C yarn balls.

Here’s what they look like:

I added the little braided end. It’s easier than weaving in all the loose ends.

These beauties hold up really well.  I have some that are three years old now and going strong.   As Gardiner and Shayne say:  THEY MUST BE USED!!!  Plus, they’re fun to make.