Interesting Information: Annotated Bibliography for Vaccine Information

Interesting Information:  March 27, 2015

The mandatory vaccine issue is heating up in Maine.  And across the nation, 132 or so bills to mandate vaccines or to place hurdles in the way of opting out are being proposed.  If not stopped, you could be prevented from sending your children to school, from traveling on any public transportation, from entering a hospital, and so forth–if you are not “fully” vaccinated.

Since the Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably dangerous,” mandating them for anyone at any time is not democratic.

I put together this annotated bibliography that I hope will help make your vaccine choices more informed.

Annotated Bibliography for Vaccine Information


Many people today have questions about vaccines.  The government-sanctioned vaccine schedule now calls for now about 70 vaccines for children and more are in development.  States are removing vaccine exemptions and suggesting vaccines be made mandatory for everyone.

What’s the history of vaccines with regard to disease eradication?

Are vaccines safe for everyone?  What are the risks?  Which vaccines are safer than others and which might be more necessary than others?

Are vaccine damage statistics reliable?

What’s in vaccines?  Is mercury still in some vaccines?

Do vaccines provide life-time immunity?

What is “herd immunity” and is it a viable concept when applied to vaccines?

Can a person vaccinated with a live virus infect others?

Are childhood diseases dangerous for healthy children if contracted before puberty?

Are there unintended consequences to our current vaccine policy?

Is it ok for a society to “sacrifice” some children for the “good” of others?

Do we own our own bodies or not?

Whose answers are “right”?  Who can one trust?  The following is a SHORT annotated bibliography that some have found helpful for making informed vaccine decisions:

* * *

Documentary:  THE GREATER GOOD surfaces both pro and anti-vaccine views and is being shown all over the country to medical audiences. Good web site.

Documentary:  BOUGHT explores how the market (Wall Street) has “bought” our food and our health systems.  Vaccines and GMOs are discussed.  Good web site.

VACCINE ILLUSIONS, immunologist Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych (Harvard and Stanford work credentials) warns us that vaccines are not safe, that our vaccine policy has dangerous unintended consequences, and that the field of immunology has been highjacked by the market.  Immunologists don’t really know how our immune systems work, but that question is not being explored.  Instead, immunologists are being paid to develop more and more vaccines.  Easy download, easy to read and understand.

Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld, the pro-vaccine Israeli scientist whose books on immunology are taught all over the world, recently pointed to aluminum in vaccines as producing seriously harmful allergic reactions.  This article has links to Shoenfeld’s work:

***National Vaccine Information Center, Barbara Loe Fisher,, has solid information on vaccines, including how to vaccinate more safely.  Don’t miss “The Vaccine Culture War in America:  Are you Ready?”

Leslie Manookian, THE GREATER GOOD, has a summary piece on vaccines:  “The Ongoing Debate.”  It includes studies about vaccine-caused autism. Published in the journal Wise Traditions in July 2012.

This press release contains links to studies showing those vaccinated with live virus vaccines “shed” disease so can infect others:

DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS:  DISEASE, VACCINES, AND THE FORGOTTEN HISTORY, Suzanne Humphries, MD, and Roman Bystrianyk, allows readers to trace the history of 14 contagious diseases, to compare published opposing vaccine statements, and to draw their own conclusions.  A complex, dense book, but reviewer   Martin Cadbury Michener, PhD, wrote:  “If you are a practicing MD or an informed parent with doubts, you have struck gold.”  Book graphs are at the book web site in color.  Humphries has a vaccine web featuring videos.

THE AGE OF AUTISM, Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, who argue that damage in the 1964-65 congenital rubella epidemic might not have been the disease at all, but caused by the remedy:  a vaccine for mothers containing mercury, which has since been discontinued.  Olmsted and Blaxill also point to vaccines as one cause of autism.


Louise Habakus runs the fearless parent web site.  Here’s her answer to an MD who recently wrote to her on her Facebook page suggesting that the unvaccinated costs us money when they get sick with a disease a vaccine could have prevented:  “Vaccination:  Is It Time to Pull the Wool From Your Eyes?”  The article is introduced by Kelly Brogan, MD.

The “Vaccines Uncensored” web site has been done by a doctor who wants to remain anonymous since the penalties for even suggesting vaccines might be a problem are harsh.  Google the site with the title and click on it—typing in the web address results in a “site under construction” message.  There are many many good quotes from responsible medical people on this site.

VACCINES:  ARE THEY REALLY SAFE & EFFECTIVE?, Neil Z. Miller (2002), an “oldy but goody” by a medical research journalist trying to decide about vaccines for his children.  Looks at individual vaccines.  Good historical graphs.

“What the news isn’t saying about vaccine autism studies,” Sharyl Attkisson winning Author of STONEWALLED, which covers how industry has shut down reporting questioning vaccine safety.


Interesting Information: Medicine: Informed Choice/Informed Consent

Interesting Information:  March 18, 2015

Medicine:  Informed Choice/Informed Consent

I’ve heard two vaccine stories recently that are important to understanding the impact of the vaccine cultural war ongoing in America today.

I want to share them with you.

First, a young woman wrote that she recently burned her hand badly, and her husband took her to the emergency room of their local hospital.  They gave her morphine for the pain, which kind of put her out of it for a while.  The hospital staff asked her husband if his wife had had recent vaccine boosters.  He said that she had not and did not use vaccines.  Later, at home, the woman started itching.  She looked at the hospital papers and realized that she had been given a DtaP vaccine (Diphtheria, tetanus, and Pertussis) WITHOUT HER EXPRESS CONSENT.  That shot is a live virus and sheds, so she had to take precautions so that her children did not get infected with any of these three diseases.  She itched for several weeks after that shot, and she is still somewhat in shock that such a thing could happen to her in an American hospital when she had been drugged.

INFORMED CONSENT to medical procedures is a basic human right in this country.  This is a civil rights issue.  I hope that this story helps make you understand that in this present moment, you cannot count on medical personnel to honor your rights to informed consent.

Second, in my own family, we are eagerly anticipating the birth of my seventh grandchild in mid April.  This week, this family’s pediatrician sent them a letter saying that if the older two children did not get the three MMR vaccines, the family would be dropped from the practice–which means that these pediatricians will not be performing the well-baby check on our little newborn when she arrives.

The rationale is that they don’t want unvaccinated children in the waiting room infecting their vaccinated patients.  BUT WAIT, it’s the VACCINATED children who are shedding live virus disease.  So, it’s really the unvaccinated children who are at the most risk.  Let’s be clear that this behavior is medical bullying.  And let’s be clear that what this behavior is really all about is that without vaccines and well-baby checks that dispense vaccines, many pediatricians are going to be flat out of business.  And I truly hope that this kind of pediatric practice goes under–the sooner the better as they are promoting voodoo “science” and creating hysteria–all for the almighty dollar.  If it’s the case that they are truly uninformed on vaccine dangers, then they are stupid and no one should be going to them.

Remember, the Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are inherently dangerous.  That’s the reason why industry and doctors cannot be sued.  So I don’t care what your orientation to vaccines is, it is not ok to make anyone get a medical procedure that is deemed inherently dangerous.  That choice has to be made by those involved for themselves–and hopefully that choice will be an INFORMED one, which means those involved need to do deeper research than talking to their doctors.

Barbara Loe Fisher’s piece on the vaccine cultural war is circulating on the internet.  I hope you read it.  I hope that you go to the bottom and look at the section on vaccine myths.  Fisher started the National Vaccine Information Center after her own child was damaged.  She is not anti-vaccine for everyone.  She wants a safe vaccine policy, an open dialog about vaccines that looks at the actual science and history of them, and for INFORMED CHOICE.

The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready? – National Vaccine Information Center Newsletter.

Interesting Information: Can People Receiving Live Virus Vaccines Transmit Vaccine Strain Virus to Others?

Interesting Information:  November 9, 2014


Can People Receiving Live Virus Vaccines Transmit Vaccine Strain Virus to Others


I was fuzzy on how live virus vaccines work and what kind of impact they have on humans.

Dr. Mercola’s post today holds some really important information that we all need to understand to make both wise vaccine choices and to begin to make grassroots political choices.  We need to know more about this whole issue because it is very clear that our doctors and our public health officials do not know all the worrisome information about the impact of vaccines on all of us.  And, while we are living in a time when the vaccine noose is being tightened across the nation so that we will soon not have free choice, any real discussion of the whole issue is being shut down, erased, denied, and so forth.  This, folks, is how we got fluoride in our water–and now we can’t get it out easily because too many people are either profiting, or are way out on legal limbs, or do not want to be embarrassed as they recant and admit fluoride in the water is a really, really stupid and harmful practice as fluoride is extremely toxic in all sorts of ways.  Know, too, that some vaccines make the dangers of fluoride pale in comparison.

First, here are the live virus vaccines:  “Among live virus vaccines being used in the U.S. and other countries are measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox (varicella zoster), live virus (nasal spray) flu vaccine, shingles vaccine, and the rotavirus vaccine that’s given to infants for diarrhea.”  I know I’ve read somewhere that polio can be given, also, a live virus vaccine.

Barbara Loe-Fisher is the co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and defending the legal right for everyone to make vaccine choices.

She explains how you can shed live virus in body fluids whether you have a viral infection or have gotten a live attenuated viral vaccine:

“Live attenuated viral vaccines (LAV) that use live viruses try to, in essence, fool your immune system into believing that you’ve come into contact with a real virus, thereby stimulating the antibody response that, theoretically, will protect you,” she says.

“When you get these live viral vaccines, you shed live virus in your body fluids. Just like when you get a viral infection, you shed live virus. That’s how viral infections are transmitted.

Because viruses, unlike bacteria, need a living host… in order to multiply. What these viruses do is they try to disable the immune system and evade immune responses.”

Second, YES, anyone receiving a live virus vaccine can transmit the vaccine strain virus to others.  And, following that, these vaccine strain viruses can and do combine with wild viruses to form…???…whole new forms of viruses--and we have absolutely no idea of the impact of these recombining viruses on humans for either the short or the long term.  NO IDEA.  It’s the perfect illustration of “the law of unintended consequences.”

Do take some time to read this Mercola posting.  We all need to know and understand the information it contains:

Can People Receiving Live Virus Vaccines Transmit Vaccine Strain Virus to Others.

Books, Documentaries, Reviews: “The Greater Good”–Are Vaccines Safe?

Books, Documentaries, Reviews:  October 21, 2013

“The Greater Good”

Are Vaccines Safe?

Maybe some vaccines are safe.

But, who knows?

No one knows how many people are being hurt by vaccines.  Or, how.

Few scientists are doing research on that question at the cellular/molecular level.  And the research of those who are finding significant problems is being ignored.

Maybe vaccines are effective.

But, no one really knows.

The only studies that call vaccines safe are epidemiological studies that compare large groups of people.  And the industry-created myth that vaccines can provide “herd immunity” has allowed state governments to mandate vaccines for “the greater good” of all.  (See earlier post discussing herd immunity.)

In fact, these epidemiological studies only show correlation, NOT causation, in terms of stopping disease.  So one burning, unanswered question is what has caused some deadly diseases (polio, small pox) to dissipate over time since vaccines came into play only AFTER these diseases were on the wane.

Indeed, there are many unanswered questions about vaccine safety.  But it is quite clear that vaccines are a life-threatening risk for some people.  And, maybe, even, for all people at the level of the inducement of chronic illness.

“The Greater Good” is a documentary film that tries to at least surface many of these worrisome questions.  It is being shown all over the country to general audiences and to medical groups and institutions.  The film contains voices from across the spectrum of this issue of vaccine safety–including that of a major medical spokesman, Dr. Paul Offit, who has said famously that babies can tolerate 10,000 vaccines at once.

So, please, please, please–before you get another vaccine or give one to a child, do not assume that you have a good understanding of the issue of vaccine safety.  Or even the need for vaccines.  Start your research with “The Greater Good” for less than the price of a large pizza.

Documentary, The Greater Good

Here’s what I took away from the film–and I hope it’s enough to spark you to NOT assume that your doctor knows and understands the dangers of vaccines.  That does not mean your doctor is a bad person.  It just means your doctor is caught in the same “kool aid” information bubble that you might be caught in, that most of the US is caught in since the media is not doing its reporting job properly.

First, the film takes a close look at three families whose children have been harmed by vaccines.  Gabi Schrag acquired a terminal illness from the UNTESTED vaccine Gardasil when she was fifteen.  Another family’s baby daughter died after a vaccine around her first birthday.  This child was apparently reacting to earlier vaccines, but her parents and pediatrician did not recognize the trouble signs.  Her two brothers did not die, but in retrospect, the parents recognize that their sons, too, have been harmed.  The third family’s son, now 11,  acquired autism from the mercury in vaccines.  That’s not a theory; the mercury showed up in blood tests.  His body could not detox itself, and the mercury and other components in vaccines permanently injured his brain.

***Barbara Loe Fisher became an activist for vaccine safety when her son was injured permanently.  She notes that in 1980, children received 23 doses of 7 vaccines.  Today, the vaccine schedule calls for 69 doses of 16 vaccines.  That’s TRIPLE the number of vaccines.  That’s an industry at work in my opinion.

Dr. Lawrence Palevsky noted that he did not question vaccine safety until the Hepatitus B vaccine was recommended for newborn babies when, he said, infants are not at risk for Hepatitus B.

Fisher now has the following mantra:  SHOW US THE SCIENCE AND ALLOW US THE CHOICE.  She notes the irresponsibility of any system that takes vaccines off the table when they might be factors or co-factors for the causes of chronic illness or outright injury.  Vaccines need to be shown to be safe and effective, and they have NOT BEEN.

Dr. Palevsky–as do other worried experts in the documentary–notes that reducing the vaccine safety issue to just that of autism has worked to hide the bigger issues.  He notes that today ONE IN SIX children have some form of neural disability.  And he wonders how many other chronic diseases are the result of vaccines.  You read that right:  ONE IN SIX CHILDREN.

Vaccines contain ingredients like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and preservatives–ingredients that are meant to keep them in your body for as long as possible.  Palevsky and Bob Sears, a pediatrician, notes that there has been no safety testing for these ingredients.  (Sears wrote a book that is pro-vaccine, but which, among other things. recommends spreading out vaccine doses.)

Chris Shaw, PhD, is a scientist who studies the origins of neurological diseases.  He says we cannot claim that vaccines are safe as their ingredients were chosen to make them stay in your body.  Injectable aluminum injected into mice in an attempt to replicate the vaccine schedule showed the rapid emergence of symptoms that included cognitive deficits, muscle and motor malfunctions, and behavioral symptoms.  Autopsies showed massive damage to motor neurons–and Shaw posed that this situation was creating the conditions for diseases like MS and Parkinsons twenty to thirty years later.  The FDA ignored these studies and refused to perform additional research.

So, how many children are being sacrificed for “the greater good”?  We don’t know.  Vaccine harm reporting is voluntary.  But the fact that Congress created the Vaccine Compensation Program to pay off parents of harmed children signals that harm is being done.  By the way, you pay into the fund every time you or your children get a vaccine–so here again is how industry is making YOU pay for your own injuries.  Vaccine makers generate about $21.5 billion in annual sales.

Are there truly benefits from vaccines?  If so, what are they?  Do those benefits outweigh the risks?  We don’t know.  By the way, the last measles death in the U.S. was in 2003 and many are saying measles death has a strong correlation to poverty and malnourishment.  Vaccines won’t “cure” that.  (See earlier posts on the “measles outbreak” nonsense.)

What vaccines would you choose to get or give to your child.  hepatitis B is not polio.  And chicken pox is not small pox. And since 99% of the population lives in cities now, how many children are stepping on rusty nails?  We now have good medicines for whooping cough.  There is a big correlation between polio and the use of DDT, and polio was on the wane when the vaccine started.

What vaccines would you get for yourself?  The flu shot?  Do you know that science does not show that it is effective and that many flu shot forms still contain mercury?  Or, other worrisome ingredients.   But if you’re going to the third world, you might want to get appropriate vaccines.  Just understand the risks first.

Did you know that INDUSTRY does the testing on new vaccines?  The FDA accepts their word for the testing.

Did you know that INDUSTRY cannot be sued for vaccine harm?  Thus there is no accountability or responsibility when vaccines harm people.  Which brings me to Gardasil…


So, let’s look at Merck’s Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil–and let’s note that HPV only MAY–only MAY I repeat–cause cervical cancer.

Merck asked the FDA too “fast track” Gardasil, and FDA agreed.  As a result, whatever testing Merck was doing (on just over 1,200 girls under sixteen) was stopped.  SO, GARDASIL HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED FOR SAFETY.  Really, Gardasil has never been tested on anyone in a trial that was carried to its conclusion.  So industry has no idea of its effectiveness either.  What’s occurring is a giant experiment on young people. 

Today, both young women and young men are being pressured to get this vaccine.  Young men are said to carry HPV in their mouths.  So they can “infect” young women.  Do you really think any vaccine is going to kill HPV virus in someone’s mouth so that they never carry it again?  Really?  Hello…we all carry stuff like this all the time–on us, in us, it’s all around us.

Gardasil was released in 2006, and Merck spent $100 million on advertising targeting young women.  You could be “one less” the ads stated.

Gabi Schrag saw those ads and got the multiple-shot vaccine–which caused her to get central nervous system vasculitis and central nervous system lupus.  She will die.  She is dying.  Meanwhile, her life is a living hell.  She has many symptoms, including seizures, paralysis on her face, partial vision, extreme fatigue, and on and on.  Her family buckled under the medical costs and stress.

Diane Harper, MD, MPH, MS, is one of the world’s leading experts on HPV and was the LEAD RESEARCHER FOR THE GARDASIL TRIALS (before they were cancelled).

Harper notes that the death rate from cervical cancer is 3 per 100,000.  Young people are more at risk from an automobile accident than from cervical cancer.  PLUS, we have a very good system in place to defeat cervical cancer:  PAP smears–which are not risky.  Plus, Harper notes, our daughters are not cancer deaths waiting to happen–which the Merck ads indicate.  In fact, says Harper, while Merck’s ads are not lies, they are false in their overall impressions.


Now let’s talk about Dr. Paul Offit.

Offit’s credentials are pretty heavy duty.  And his certainty about the safety of vaccines so complete that I decided to poke around a bit.  It didn’t take one minute to surface some real conflicts of interest–ones that are at the heart of what is wrong with medicine today, and why many people like me do not trust it.

Offit is a pediatrician.  He is the Chief of infectious Diseae at the reknowned Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, or CHOP.  He is also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania’s medical school.

Pretty good, huh?  You’d pay attention to someone like this man, wouldn’t you?

Only Offit has strong financial ties to the vaccine industry–as a story of Sharyl Attkisson for CBS News reveals.  He consistently refuses to disclose his industry ties.  But, his research Hillman chair at CHOP is funded by Merck, for $1.5 million.  He co-invented the Rotavirus vaccine and sold it to Merck–his share was somewhere between $29 and $46 million.  He was on the CDC’s Advisory committee on Immunization Practices when his vaccine was put onto the vaccine schedule.  Yet he said in the film that he does not see any wrong doing in the intersections between doctors and the vaccine industry.  (We need to enroll him in a course on ethics and morals immediately.)

In this documentary, Offit says that UNTESTED Gardasil is a “safe and beautiful” vaccine.  Yet, by 2010, there were 85 recorded Gardasil deaths.  And, uncountable injuries as no one is looking for them.

Offit also said the following:  “Are parents really in the best situation to evaluate the data?  I don’t think they often have that expertise.”

Really?   Apparently some of us do a better job of that then people like Offit do.

But, it is this kind of statement that misleads parents into trusting people like Offit–into trusting in his goodness, in his knowledge, and his genuine interest in the health of their children.  To those folks, I say “WAKE UP.”  There’s BIG MONEY involved here, and we live in a system that has thoroughly detached morals and ethics from the business of making money.l

* * * * *

Clearly, the “one size fits all” vaccine schedule is a mistake for too many children.

Clearly, industry is driving the vaccine juggernaut, not science.

Clearly, the states have overstepped their bounds by forcing people to get vaccines they do not want to get in the name of a misuse of the very real scientific concept of “herd immunity”–of which the vaccines cannot ever be part.  Here, again, is where politics is trumping science–as it has in many of the issues about which I research and write.  And when politics makes this move, it does harm.  When it does it by and for industry, it is evil.

Clearly, the vaccine industry needs to be held accountable for the harm it is doing.  They need to answer in our courts of law.

Clearly doctors like Offit need to lose their prestige and power and the positions they are misusing.

Clearly, the media need to do a better job of reporting all sides of the vaccine safety issue.  And of exposing people like Offit and the rigged system that Merck is using for its own gain.

Clearly, parents have got to educate themselves and take responsibility for NOT being driven like fearful sheep into harming their children or themselves.

Clearly, clearly, clearly…

…this film is a “must see” immediately for you, your family, your doctors.