Interesting Information/Vaccines: NPR: Whooping Cough Vaccine’s Protection Fades Quickly

Interesting Information/Vaccines:  May 2015

Whooping Cough/Pertussis Vaccine’s Protection Fades Quickly

I came home to the news that there has been an “outbreak” of whooping cough–in a population of vaccinated children.

Now the “story” is that the vaccinated will have milder cases.  But, where’s the proof of that?

Here’s an NPR story that appeared before I left for Charleston to see my family–and it amply illustrates the ignorance that is rampant in the whole vaccine issue:


This NPR story admits the whooping cough/Pertussis vaccine is not working.  (The Tdap vaccine is meant to cover Tetnus, diptheria, and pertussis.)

And, the NPR story covers the fact that giving more boosters won’t do the trick either.  Or, that the older Dtap vaccine contained ethyl mercury, now called thimersol.

BUT, NPR, like most mainstream press, does not understand the complexities of this issue.

What this writer has done is run to the usual suspects:  Dr. Art Reingold (a professor of public health) just repeats the herd immunity myth.  The ignorance factor among the public health people is beyond astounding.

Why keep going to them for answers?  It’s easy, that’s why.

Why not go to someone in the actual field.  Like an IMMUNOLOGIST, for instance.

Tetyana Obukhanych explains quite clearly what’s wrong with this vaccine in VACCINE ILLUSIONS (easy read, easy download).

The older whooping cough vaccine used BOTH strains of pertussis.  But it had side effects that made it…not workable.  The current vaccine only has ONE strain, and now it’s vaccine resistant.  Hello out there.  You do not know what you are doing.   Here’s another unintended consequence that’s seriously bad.  You’re creating a super disease now.

The information on tetanus does not include the information that there is a noninvasive way to create a natural immunity to tetanus.  Again, read VACCINE ILLUSIONS to understand this issue.

Finally, the article does not share that this vaccine contains aluminum and formaldehyde–among other toxins.

Whooping Cough Vaccine’s Protection Fades Quickly : Shots – Health News : NPR.

Interesting Information/Vaccines: An Open Letter to Legislators Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych

Interesting Information/Vaccines:  May 9, 2015

An Open Letter to Legislators Considering Vaccine Legislation from Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD

Tetyana Obukhanych is an immunologist with work credentials from Stanford and Harvard.

She offers one of the clearest explanations regarding vaccines I have found to date.

In this piece, which is widely available all over the internet now, she explains why mandating vaccines for ALL children is unnecessary.  AND why discriminating against unvaccinated children is nothing but public hysteria–which has been fueled by media’s total failure in covering this issue fairly and (I would add) the vaccine industry.  (I’ve heard that 70% of media funding now comes from Big Pharma–and I’d like to research that fact.)

Here’s Obukhanych’s opening statement:

My name is Tetyana Obukhanych.  I hold a PhD in Immunology.  I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings.

If you are interested in the actual science of this issue, an immunologist would be one of the first places to go.  Obukhanych’s statement peels away the myth that is rampant in our society today.

Obukhanych is the author of VACCINE ILLUSIONS, which is an easy read, easy to download, and full of dependable information from someone whose field this is.

Interesting Information: Annotated Bibliography for Vaccine Information

Interesting Information:  March 27, 2015

The mandatory vaccine issue is heating up in Maine.  And across the nation, 132 or so bills to mandate vaccines or to place hurdles in the way of opting out are being proposed.  If not stopped, you could be prevented from sending your children to school, from traveling on any public transportation, from entering a hospital, and so forth–if you are not “fully” vaccinated.

Since the Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably dangerous,” mandating them for anyone at any time is not democratic.

I put together this annotated bibliography that I hope will help make your vaccine choices more informed.

Annotated Bibliography for Vaccine Information


Many people today have questions about vaccines.  The government-sanctioned vaccine schedule now calls for now about 70 vaccines for children and more are in development.  States are removing vaccine exemptions and suggesting vaccines be made mandatory for everyone.

What’s the history of vaccines with regard to disease eradication?

Are vaccines safe for everyone?  What are the risks?  Which vaccines are safer than others and which might be more necessary than others?

Are vaccine damage statistics reliable?

What’s in vaccines?  Is mercury still in some vaccines?

Do vaccines provide life-time immunity?

What is “herd immunity” and is it a viable concept when applied to vaccines?

Can a person vaccinated with a live virus infect others?

Are childhood diseases dangerous for healthy children if contracted before puberty?

Are there unintended consequences to our current vaccine policy?

Is it ok for a society to “sacrifice” some children for the “good” of others?

Do we own our own bodies or not?

Whose answers are “right”?  Who can one trust?  The following is a SHORT annotated bibliography that some have found helpful for making informed vaccine decisions:

* * *

Documentary:  THE GREATER GOOD surfaces both pro and anti-vaccine views and is being shown all over the country to medical audiences. Good web site.

Documentary:  BOUGHT explores how the market (Wall Street) has “bought” our food and our health systems.  Vaccines and GMOs are discussed.  Good web site.

VACCINE ILLUSIONS, immunologist Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych (Harvard and Stanford work credentials) warns us that vaccines are not safe, that our vaccine policy has dangerous unintended consequences, and that the field of immunology has been highjacked by the market.  Immunologists don’t really know how our immune systems work, but that question is not being explored.  Instead, immunologists are being paid to develop more and more vaccines.  Easy download, easy to read and understand.

Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld, the pro-vaccine Israeli scientist whose books on immunology are taught all over the world, recently pointed to aluminum in vaccines as producing seriously harmful allergic reactions.  This article has links to Shoenfeld’s work:

***National Vaccine Information Center, Barbara Loe Fisher,, has solid information on vaccines, including how to vaccinate more safely.  Don’t miss “The Vaccine Culture War in America:  Are you Ready?”

Leslie Manookian, THE GREATER GOOD, has a summary piece on vaccines:  “The Ongoing Debate.”  It includes studies about vaccine-caused autism. Published in the journal Wise Traditions in July 2012.

This press release contains links to studies showing those vaccinated with live virus vaccines “shed” disease so can infect others:

DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS:  DISEASE, VACCINES, AND THE FORGOTTEN HISTORY, Suzanne Humphries, MD, and Roman Bystrianyk, allows readers to trace the history of 14 contagious diseases, to compare published opposing vaccine statements, and to draw their own conclusions.  A complex, dense book, but reviewer   Martin Cadbury Michener, PhD, wrote:  “If you are a practicing MD or an informed parent with doubts, you have struck gold.”  Book graphs are at the book web site in color.  Humphries has a vaccine web featuring videos.

THE AGE OF AUTISM, Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, who argue that damage in the 1964-65 congenital rubella epidemic might not have been the disease at all, but caused by the remedy:  a vaccine for mothers containing mercury, which has since been discontinued.  Olmsted and Blaxill also point to vaccines as one cause of autism.


Louise Habakus runs the fearless parent web site.  Here’s her answer to an MD who recently wrote to her on her Facebook page suggesting that the unvaccinated costs us money when they get sick with a disease a vaccine could have prevented:  “Vaccination:  Is It Time to Pull the Wool From Your Eyes?”  The article is introduced by Kelly Brogan, MD.

The “Vaccines Uncensored” web site has been done by a doctor who wants to remain anonymous since the penalties for even suggesting vaccines might be a problem are harsh.  Google the site with the title and click on it—typing in the web address results in a “site under construction” message.  There are many many good quotes from responsible medical people on this site.

VACCINES:  ARE THEY REALLY SAFE & EFFECTIVE?, Neil Z. Miller (2002), an “oldy but goody” by a medical research journalist trying to decide about vaccines for his children.  Looks at individual vaccines.  Good historical graphs.

“What the news isn’t saying about vaccine autism studies,” Sharyl Attkisson winning Author of STONEWALLED, which covers how industry has shut down reporting questioning vaccine safety.